[Live Perf.] 심창민 (Shim Changmin) - I Love You (Rising Sun Showcase) {Karaoke}

2011-08-12 2

[from my youtube ;D]

finally finished another karaoke! this time of Changmin...this is his solo stage from their Rising Sun Showcase...absolutely loved the song the first time i heard it that i had to find the original song, hehe...the title sounds sweet but actually the song's quite sad...anyways, Changmin's rendition of the song is great...he could hit the high notes then & he can still hit the high notes now! love it...& i totally love Min's look from those days too...anyways, hope you guys enjoy this one too! =]

btw, i'm not too sure about the translations...i had to match them up with the romanizations and each line and stuff...@_@...feel free to correct! =]

Original Song By: Position (포지션)
Live Cover By: Choikang Changmin
Hangul Lyrics: soompi.com
Romanizations: thelapan.com
Translations: soompi.com + http://dbskarchives.blogspot.com
Karaoke + Subbing: FiNaY
Video: srisin@z-degrees